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Who We Serve

Newspapers and print journalism
CCG offers a viable alternative for large and small newsrooms. The highly skilled journalists at CCG will provide research assistance, direction and expertise to newspapers and their staff at a fraction of what it would cost to hire top-notch investigative reporters.

CCG’s ability to pull records, conduct in-depth research and ferret out hidden stories offers television news producers an invaluable news support service.

CCG’s ability to conduct comprehensive background checks on businesses and individuals, acquire police reports and research court records provides a valuable support service for attorneys.

CCG understands that for many corporations information is quite literally money. CCG’s standard research services range from acquiring federal, state and municipal data to checking the backgrounds of potential corporate hires. We provide business clients with the right information in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

Sport Franchises
Each year major and minor league franchises spend tens of millions of dollars acquiring new talent. While scouts and sporting professionals are adept at determining the athletic abilities of such talent, they lack the expertise to check players’ backgrounds for criminal history and behavioral problems. CCG will offer them this capability.

CCG will offer classroom research seminars that show students how to use journalism research techniques, including FOIA.
Each year, thousands of universities and colleges across the country offer programs that require students to learn investigative and research skills. Professors are routinely looking to expose their students to tried and proven investigative techniques as well as the newest developments in database sources and research.

General Public
            Members of the general public often make uninformed decisions when choosing professionals – such as doctors and pharmacists – because of the difficulty in checking professional histories. CCG’s background checks can be expanded to include checking for malpractice suits, license revocation, history of drug abuse and other problems. The public will likely find many of our services extremely helpful.